T's letter to go on hunger strike if he is not returned home.

T's letter to judge. You are destroying our life.

  Kaveh Khanverdi wrongly removed my children on October 13 because he claimed that I accused child T of being a spy for the Children’s Aid Society. Look at Kaveh’s page, this allegation was ridiculous. Before it got to court Kaveh added that I also said T was by-polar. Non of this was true.

T has no behavior problems. He is a normal healthy child. Now however after five months in CAS custody, the CAS has T labeled as disturbed and dangerous. The CAS was careless and negligent to have labeled him. Even after they knew the information they used to label him was false the CAS still used that information in affidavits to the court and he is still labeled. Hear more of this on tape in the News-Update page.

T was devastated to be ripped from his home. We could understand it if the reasons were valid, but this we can not comprehend. There was no willingness of CAS to discus this. Instead we just came under extreme bullying and more false allegations from the same workers.

By October 30th, I was severed all contact with child C, also by false and negligent information. Kelly DeWolfe alleged that I told child C that child T was dead and missing. This she used in affidavits and in court to show that I am to unstable to be near my children. The conversation that Kelly referred to is on tape. This tape is in Kelly’s page. She was shown to be wrong and negligent. Never the less I was still severed cruelly from my children. It would be two months before I could see or speak to child C. I was only able to speak to child T because he snuck in a cell phone and he kept running away from the CAS.

Neither child wanted to leave their home. Neither child had any problems at home. T who was 14 started running from the CAS right away. He wanted to come back home. Instead of addressing the false reason why they were removed the CAS instead took me to court because T kept running away from them. They wanted to put me in jail. The children’s lawyer told the judge that it might teach T a lesson and make him stay in CAS custody if I were put in jail. The children’s lawyer even mentioned putting a lean on my house. Child T turned himself into CAS custody on November 7, 2005 so that I would not have to go to jail. The Kingston city police frisked T, read him his rights and were going to put handcuffs on him. Yes, this is a child who has never been in trouble or ever committed a crime. He was removed under false allegations and wanted to come home.

Hear the tape of T calling me from his group home after this incident on November 7th. He was shocked they were going to put handcuffs on him and were treating him like a criminal. Also hear the November 10th, tape of T after court when he heard the false reasons for his removal. He ran away from CAS again. Neither child was ever allowed in court again.

T was eventually placed with my aunt who he had never met before and I had not seen in 30 years. This was a disaster. Follow this further in the News-update page and hear CAS tapes of further negligence and lies.

Since then T has been hunted by police. In Guelph when he went to leave the terrible situation at my aunts house he was surrounded by four cruisers and threatened with a police dog. In Kingston on March 6th, as Kelly DeWolfe brought me to court under more false allegations to sever me from child C she surrounded my house with four police cruisers and a battering ram. Hear the police message to T that they will break down the door if he does not come out. T has been traumatized by all this.

Click here to hear the tapes of child C who has stayed isolated in CAS custody. He is very unhappy and devastated by this cruelness. He sounds neglected, he complained of being sexually harassed by a another group home resident. He cries to come home. He is not allowed to go to court. His lawyer tells the court that he is happy and doing well. Hear his voice yourself. These children are being destroyed by this cruelness.

The tapes are choppy as I comply with Judge Brennan’s order to conceal our identity and take out our names.

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